Blue Cedars

From original songs to re-imaginings

To create beauty in a time of isolation

Kate Bass, Colin Davin and Avery Waite formed Blue Cedars during the Covid-19 pandemic. Kate and Avery first met while working for a cultural diplomacy program in Lebanon; Avery and Colin met as graduate school classmates at The Juilliard School; Colin and Kate met via Zoom in the forming of this unique ensemble. As classically-trained musicians, each coming from genre-diverse musical careers, Kate, Avery and Colin bring their own unique voices to both original songs and re-imaginings of classic American music.

Blue Cedars was formed in response to a collective inner need to find human connection and to create beauty in a time of isolation.

Blue Cedars – Speed Trap Town

Get in touch

Use the form alongside to get in touch for booking and other inquiries. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Download bio

Download Colin Davin’s bio here (short version and long version)